SEEDS-BLOOPER: Chapter 33 Alder Preparing For the Duel


Chapter 33
Alder Preparing For the Duel

The mist dissipated and the crystal ceased to hum as a guard pulled the lever down. "It is time," he said gravely. Alder's mind raced though hundreds of scenarios, but he could not see a way out of this situation. In desperation he looked up at the guard and asked him, "What should I do out there?"

"You cannot use what you do not have," the guard said. "If you are quick, be quick, if you are strong, be strong." 

"But what do I have?" Alder questioned.

"You have...about five minutes to live," the guard said, leading Alder out of the room. The guard opened the door to the next room, but had to stop because there were two people standing in his way. Athel and Privet stopped making out and looked around in surprise.

"Whoopsy, sorry about that," Athel apologized.

Gosh Dangit, Athel!" the director yelled, jumping out of his chair. "Every time you two force a re-shoot it costs this production over seventeen thousand dollars! Do you realize that?"

The director rolled up the script in his hands and bopped Athel on the nose with it. "Did...did you just hit me in the nose like a dog?" Athel asked, too stunned to do anything else.

"How come you only hit her?" Alder pointed out.

"You know what? You're right," the director said, then bopped Alder on the nose as well.

"Ow! What did I do?" Alder asked, clutching his nose.