QUEEN: Setsuna Interview


Interview with Setsuna

Question: So, what was it like working with Mister Yeager?

Answer: I’m not really sure, to be honest. I mean, he was there on set and everything, but mostly he just played Clash of Clans and ate cheese danishes.

Question: He didn’t give you direction?

Answer: No, that was the best part. We’d get our lines like an hour before shooting, but we could deviate as much as we wanted, and no one seemed to notice…or care. Originally, my character only had like three lines, but I had been kicked out of my apartment for not paying rent, you see, so rather than sleeping in the street, I just started showing up for scenes I wasn’t scheduled for. That way I could eat the catering and sleep on the casting couch. But the wardrobe people saw me there and assumed I was part of the scene, so they’d give me something nice to wear, and then the makeup people would doll me up, and then I figured, shoot, I’m all gussied up, might as well go say some stuff in front of the camera, and that’s what I did. Everyone just kind of rolled with it, and before I knew it I was a playing a main character and a love-interest for Privet…that man’s a really nice kisser, by the way.

Question: So I’ve heard. So, it must have been nice getting all that extra pay.

Answer: The what?

Question: The extra pay. Main characters are paid much more than scale, you know that right?

Answer: E-excuse me, I have to make a phone call…

Question: But, wait, I…

Answer: This interview is over…