QUEEN: Author Interview


Interview with Director Aaron Lee Yeager

Question: So, what was it like getting everyone back together again for another book?

Answer: What was it like? I’ve gained thirty seven pounds, I’m losing my hair, I’ve had sixteen feet of small intestine removed, and I’m pretty sure someone switched out my cat for a robot replica of a cat.

Question: H-how do you know?

Answer: The thing eats batteries like tic-tacs. I’m tellin’ ya, the robots…they’re taking over.

Question: Um…okay. So…what were the challenges of putting together a story for the sequel?

Answer: Pffft. Story? Son, we had no story. That’s not how this business works. The studio execs gave me a duffle bag full of action figures, board games, and some kind of trading card game with little foil pictures on them and told me, “make a book that will sell this crap.” Setsuna, she was the big new character. We had to include her because some genius big shot had accidentally ordered 250 thousand Sailor Jupiter dolls from Craptonesia, or wherever, and half of them didn’t have legs when they got to us…gosh darn Somali pirates…

Question: The dolls legs were…stolen by pirates?

Answer: Yeah, can’t imagine what for, but poof, they were gone. We had a big cargo container of broken dolls roll into port at San Francisco. Insurance wouldn’t give us a dime for them…thanks Obama for that one. So, I had to figure out how to sell the ones we had.

Question: What did you do?

Answer: I tell ya’, kid. You been in the business as long as I have, you learn a few tricks. We broke the pony tails off the half without legs and glued them onto the whole ones. Spray painted ‘em green, and blammo, a brand new character with huge green pigtails.

Question: Blammo?

Answer: Yeah…The hard part after that was finding an actress with naturally green hair. Not an easy task, even in this town. But, we found her working at a Denny’s, put her in the story, and we sold every one of those stupid dolls at ten times cost..heh heh heh.

Question: You modified all the dolls yourself?

Answer: What? No, are you crazy? We made Alder do it. That’s why he’s so tired in all the scenes he’s in. We had him gluing pigtails onto dolls from dusk to dawn…I think him being tired even made it into the story…I’m not sure, actually, it’s all a haze. That man still smells like super glue to this day.