QUEEN-BLOOPER: Athel Fights Sevtah


Athel Fights Sevtah

Sevtah dropped down again and slammed the ball hard to one side, zig-zagging it across the field to Athel's side. Athel had a hard time following it and was forced to use both her roots to finally grab the ball just before it entered her net.

Sevtah punched one of his blocks forward right at her. Athel leapt up, allowing it to pass under her. As she came back down, he pulled and reversed the block's direction. Athel brought one root over and caught the block, the air crackled with energy as the two struggled to overcome one another.

Sevtah spun around, sending his second block around in an angle that came up on Athel's blindside.

Athel, look out!” Privet yelled, but his voice was lost in the crowd.

The block slammed into Athel, smashing her painfully into the monoi wall of the cage.

“Okay, CUT, good take everyone,” the director praised.

“I think I may have hit her a little hard that time,” Sevtah admitted, grabbing onto his elbow.

“Naw, Athel's a tough one, she can take it, right Athel?”

They looked over to where the monoi block had smashed into the cage wall, but no noise or movement came from within.


All was still.
