QUEEN-BLOOPER: Setsuna Misses Her Cue


Setsuna Misses Her Cue

Privet could not take his eyes away from the fire.

The beast's head snapped forward and a gout of shifting flame beat out towards him and the longboat. One last time he screamed at his body to move, but it would not move. All he could do was look into the flame approaching him. Looking at it felt like witnessing pure beauty as if all the varied and different kinds of brilliance were wrapped and folded up within one-another.

The flames hit him with the force of a train. He was thrown backward, knocking over two cameras and crashing into a set light, finally landing atop the catering table, sending a tray of cheese danishes flying up into the air.

“Oh my gosh, get the medic!” the director called out. Crewmen scrambled in every direction, trying to extinguish the small fires that were cropping up.

“Setsuna, you were supposed to knock him out of the way!” the director yelled as medics crowded around Privet.

“Wha?” Setsuna asked, looking up vacantly from the compact mirror she had been staring into.