Mina is Just Sayian
Book 2 Bonus Blooper
“There is no second door on the map,” Mina affirmed, looking it over.
“Maybe we aren't at the place on the map we think we are,” Captain Evere suggested.
“Or maybe the map is wrong,” Ryin postulated.
“No, this is right,” Athel said, running her hand over the smooth black surface. I can feel the magic beyond.”
“We should get out of this corridor,” Privet warned. “We do not know how long it will be before more guards come by.”
“We don't have time to find another way, we'll just have to bust our way in,” Evere decreed. “Don't you agree, woman?”
Mina gave him a sideways glace, indicating that she did not like the question.
“Right, right, 'alphas don't ask, they tell,' sorry. If your magic was a little stronger I wouldn’t even have to ask.”
Mina frowned and placed her hands on her hips, her tail swishing unhappily. “I'll show you magic, Tomani bead-licker.” Mina turned towards the stone door and cupped her hands, gathering energy between them.
“KAAA....MEEE...” Mina yelled, the ball of energy growing bigger.
“What are you doing, woman?”
“...HAAA...MEEE...” Mina continued, the ball growing even larger and turning a white-blue color.
“You might want to throttle it back a little there, woman.”
“...HAAAAAA!” Mina released a torrential blast of energy that blew the smooth obsidian to pieces. The blast continued on, shattering every mirror in the domed room beyond, then exploding out the other side. The energy beam continued on in a straight line, bursting out from the tower and parting the seas around it. Eventually it struck out into space. A thin blue line of energy streaking out amongst the stars.
“What the heck was that?” the director screamed.
“Mina stuck out her tongue. “Sorry, I think I gave it a little too much juice.”
“Too much juice? You idiot! You destroyed the entire set!”
“And she set alight all the trailers across the quad,” one of the gaffers added, looking out through the hole.
“Get the fire extinguishers!” yelled out the production manager as union workers scrambled about.
“Mina, this is coming out of your paycheck,” the director threatened.
“Awwwww,” Mina pouted, her arms hanging down.