QUEEN-BLOOPER: Chapter Six gets a new Narrator


Chapter Six Gets a New Narrator

Shor nuff Balen did hiz best ta keep hiz body still as he done stood in hiz best duds before da Eternal Gate, an archway o’ living wood an’ vine that lead down into da heart o’ da Sacred Tree o’ Milia. U betta' believe dat da morning sun waz getting high in da sky, an’ still there waz havin’ b’in no word from hiz bride-to-be. Good 'ole Balen waz havin’ long since stopped wondering wa’tch mysteries an’ secrets lay within da realm beyond da gate. Such things waz da province o’ women, an’ waz no way meant fo’ men folks ta know. Still, da forbidden always carried with da thang a certain degree o’ allure, at least fo’ da first few hours. Balen waz havin’ strained hiz ears attemptin' tah catch any noise or whisper coming from within, but discovered only silence. Now da thang waz havin’ b’in nearly two days, an’ da man no longer cared wa’tch borrowed place within. Hiz strong body waz accustomed ta long periods o’ deprivation during hiz house-husband training, but even he waz begging ta feel da effects o’ deep fatigue.

“CUT!” the director yelled out. “What the heck is wrong with the narration?”

“Sorry, sir, we have had some budget cuts and we were forced to hire outside the union,” the production assistant explained as she scratched at her acne.

“Yeah, but who did you hire, Uncle Remus? We can't have narration like this, the proofreader will have a heart attack.”